Maize & Groundnut Cultivation Project
Maize & Groundnut Cultivation Project
Improving Food Security and Livelihood Enhancement through Crop Cultivation Supporting for livelihood development of 20 rural farmers through maize and groundnut cultivation in Paththinipuram and Mullipothanai villages in Thampalagamam DS Division of Trincomalee District
Groundnut production has offered high returns to each beneficiary during the first cycle of the harvest period. However, the increased income from groundnut cultivation. And improved the knowledge and capacity of farmers to address market risks and increase returns while enhancing their productivity. The project investment accelerated the process of groundnut cultivation in Palalmpottar and Mullipothanai villages in the target DS Division. The project was designed to be market-oriented and demand-driven to respond to local needs and priorities by participating stakeholders, economic development officer, and Agricultural officer, and ground nut producer and marketing group. Its primary focus was to improve farmers’ incomes by helping them become more knowledgeable, capable, and competitive within the market chain. The project was designed in close consultation with the Government officers (Assistant director planning, Agriculture instructor and Economic development officer) and key community stakeholders, and was based on lessons learned from previous projects